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Popularization activities of the International Agricultural Institute in Rome (at the beginning of 20th century)
full article |
Pidgayna T.
Pages: |
58-71 |
Summary |
The method of historical and scientific analysis examines the little-researched page of the popularization activities of the International Agricultural Institute in Rome (1905), which became the first organization for solving problems of agriculture and food. The Institute’s considerable work in this area was to prepare for the publication of a number of scientific papers and periodicals, on which pages covered statistical, technical and economic information concerning agriculture, production methods, trade in products and their prices.
Of great importance was the organization of the library, which was a powerful branch book collection. Another important function of the institute was to coordinate the information that the Bureau of Statistics received from its correspondents: directors of the relevant central statistical offices of all countries that were part of the international institution. As a government agency, the institute researched official data and objectively studied the conditions of production, market, products, etc.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the polarization activity of the International Agricultural Institute in Rome. The International Agricultural Institute in Rome, established in 1905 and later operating under the auspices of the League of Nations, was found to be the first international organization for agricultural and food development. Having created a unique information and analytical center for agricultural information processing at that time (various statistics, legislative texts, scientific and reference literature, questionnaires) with modern communication tools, a permanent budget and an international staff, Roman Institute (unlike other international administrative unions) received and exercised the right of preparation for governments of international treaties in the area of agriculture, trade, exchange, science. The International Agricultural Institute in Rome coordinated the work of many international sectoral agricultural organizations.
Keywords |
International Agricultural Institute in Rome, agriculture, food, bureau, statistics, popularization
References |
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