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Source research potential of studying the history of agrarian science as a component of information support of innovative activity in Ukraine
full article |
Shchebetyuk N.
Pages: |
22-38 |
Summary |
The research is devoted to the issue of improving the resource support for the development of agrarian science in Ukraine, in particular its information field in the segment of historical heritage. The peculiarities of the source study studio and some of its theoretical and methodological aspects, first of all historicism, objectivity, comprehensiveness, systematicity and critical approach are substantiated. From the time of the Enlightenment, Ukrainian source studies have accumulated considerable experience in finding, identifying, researching and publishing historical sources. History emerged as a science and separated into an independent system of knowledge, expanded understanding of the concept of "source", its relationship with the historical fact. Considerable experience in source studies has domestic scientists, taking into account new methodological approaches in the conditions of independence and state building.
Using the subject-chronological and comparative-historical methods, the work of the Institute of History of Agrarian Science, Education and Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during 2006-2018 on the formation of a source base for the study of the evolutionary progress of domestic agricultural science and research was revealed. Typical editions of the National Agrarian Science Series «Agrarian Science of Ukraine in Persons, Documents, and Bibliography» are characterized - collections of archival documents, materials and reprints that reproduce the various stages of formation and further development of scientific-organizational, theoretical and methodological foundations of functioning of sectoral experimentation in Ukraine. A characteristic feature of the prepared works is the disclosure of the contextual background, in particular, the coverage of socio-political and socio-economic factors of the development of domestic agrarian science.
The basis for filling such publications is retrospective documentary information stored in the funds of the state archives of Ukraine. Documents are organized in a chronological principle, which is based on the date of drafting the document. Most of the documents have been published in full. The processing of documents takes into account the inadmissibility of interference with the lexical, word-forming, phonetic and grammatical subsystems of the language.
The source complex is annually updated, since 2006 a considerable array of archival sources has been processed and 19 scientific publications have been published, which is about 600 printed sheets. Their critical analysis, disclosure of certain aspects of information potential and became the purpose of this publication.
Keywords |
agricultural science, archival materials, source base, source study, industry research, historical experience, development
References |
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- Verhunov, V. A. , Kovalenko, N. P. and Kucher, V. I. etc. compls. ; Hadzalo, Ya. M. ed. ; Verhunov, V. A. sc. ed. (2016). Kolhospna doslidna sprava v USRR/URSR u 1934–1956 rokakh : zb. dok. i materialiv [The collective farm research case in the USSR / USSR in 1934–1956 : coll. dock. and materials]. Kyiv. 461. (Ist.-bibliohr. ser. «Ahrar. nauka Ukrainy v osobakh, dokumentakh, bibliohrafii» ; kn. 96) [Historical and bibliographical series «Agrarian Science of Ukraine in Persons, Documents, and Bibliography» ; book 96]. [in Ukrainian].
- Verhunov, V. A., Kovalenko, N. P. and Kucher, V. I. etc. compls. ; Hadzalo, Ya. M. ed. ; Verhunov, V. A. sc. ed. (2018). Orhanizatsiia naukovo-osvitnoho zabezpechennia ahrarnoi haluzi u roky Ukrainskoi revoliutsii (1917–1921). Do 100-richchia Natsionalnoi akademii ahrarnykh nauk Ukrainy : zb. dok. i materialiv [Organization of scientific and educational support of the agricultural sector during the Ukrainian Revolution (1917–1921). To the 100th Anniversary of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine : Coll. dock. and materials]. Vinnytsia : FOP Korzun, D. Yu. 380. (Ist.-bibliohr. ser. «Ahrar. nauka Ukrainy v osobakh, dokumentakh, bibliohrafii» ; kn. 102) [Historical and bibliographical series «Agrarian Science of Ukraine in Persons, Documents, and Bibliography» ; book 100]. [in Ukrainian].