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Book publications about the French-Russian war of 1812 in the collection of D.H. Bibikov (by the materials of the library collection department and historical collections of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)
full article |
Khovrych S.
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1-21 |
Summary |
The problem of the formation of book culture in different countries over the centuries has attracted considerable attention from the intellectual community. After all, the qualitative and quantitative indicators of libraries reflected not only the spiritual but also the social and economic and political situation of a particular state. The book industry has undoubtedly acted as a driving force for the scientific and technical and cultural progress of mankind.
The Bibikov–Lvov collection belongs to one of the famous collections of the 19th – early 20th centuries. in general, the Russian Empire and Ukraine in particular. Prominent in it were volumes on historical, theological and military topics; some of them are in the category of rare and valuable books. The language of the works is mainly French, German, Polish, Russian. To date, parts of the library are stored in the repositories of two powerful libraries of Ukraine: the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (NBUV) and the M. Maksymovich Scientific Library of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Purpose of the study: to identify and analyze the part of the Bibikova library (fragment) that relates to the events of the Franco-Russian War of 1812, as well as to the example of certain editions stored in the specified collection, to characterize the professional and personal preferences of the former owner of the influential Dmytro Gavrylovych Bibikov (1792–1870). The author uses the historical and logical, comparative and hypothetical deductive methods of research, as well as the method of content analysis.
There are known instances of the Governor-General’s impulsive response to the contents of a book; some of them were considered at a high state level. It is likely that Bibikov’s family ties, for example, with Field Marshal General Mikhail Kutuzov (1745–1813), to whom he owed his military career and the rescue of his life during the French-Russian War of 1812, also influenced the emergence of in a collection of relevant books.
Keywords |
Ukraine, Russian Empire, Napoleon I Bonaparte, D.H. Bibikov, E.А. Lvov, St. Volodymyr University of Kyiv, library, war of 1812
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