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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2016 — № 3

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council
of National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS
Oktober 28, 2016 (Minutes № 13)

1 Аpostol М.  The prospects for the using of the scientific heritage of academician M. V. Zubets at the present stage of development of animal husbandry  
2 Besov L., Zvonkova G.  Chernobyl and Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  
3 Bоroday I.  Animal science as international integrative system of scientific knowledge  
4 Burlac A.  Beginning of the scientific and professional activities of professor V. E. Tairov (1859–1938)  
5 Gamaliia V.  Contribution of N. Chyrvinsky into establishing of experimental zootechnics  
6 Griffen L.  Engineering – component of productive forces of society  
7 Deforzh H.  Characteristic of comparative histological studies of academician D. K. Tretiakov  
8 Klubuk V.  Research on potato in South of Ukraine in the second half XX – early XXI century  
9 Lytvynko A.  Activities of scientific school of academician N.N. Bogolyubov in the context of statistical physics in Ukraine: to 70th anniversary of the publication of monograph «Problems of dynamical theory in statistical physics»  
10 Nyzhnyk S.  Uman School of Gardening and Agriculture in the international exhibitions of gardening in the early XX century  
11 Padalka S.  Between word and deed. The agricultural market of Ukraine in terms of the scientific ideas and business practices (1990 - 2000's)  
12 Pilipchuk O.  Creation and development of Kyiv Legal Society (1876-1919)  
13 Ruda S.  Outstanding Ukrainian scientist doctor Joseph Mochutkovsky  
14 Sergyeyeva I.  M. M. Kuleshov and the preconditions of organization of the National Plant Genetic Resources Bank of Ukraine  
15 Sydorovych O.  The changes in the organizational and territorial structure of consumer cooperatives in the USSR (second half of the 40 – 70`s of XX century)  
16 Tverytnykova E.  The sources of the study of development of electrotechnical branch in Ukraine during the second half of the XX century  

Title page of Edition
© National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS, 2016